Secrets of Successful Sports Hernia Rehab

Secrets of Successful Sports Hernia Rehab


You just need to find the correct program.

The first step in rehabbing a Sports Hernia is rebuilding the OTHER sections of the abdominal region that SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE the repair of the strained location.

That’s right… the magic is working around the irritation in a STRATEGIC, NON-PAINFUL way.

Weeks of bedrest and avoidance of activity are ill advised in most cases of sports hernias. Allow me to walk you through the process I use with my patients, step-by-step in this video course.

Watch the trailer to learn about the first step…


What’s included in this online program?
- All of the information you’ll need for sports hernias in one manual
- Effective, easy to follow, corrective exercise videos
- Exercises targeting the “deep core” and hips
- Postural & lifestyle suggestions to reduce relapse potential
- Reference of research



Groin pain is frustrating. Nearly every call I’ve ever gotten from someone suffering from a sports hernia is the same story…

It doesn’t hurt when I don’t play my sport or run
I rested (or did therapy) for weeks/ months and it seemed a little better
I went back to play (insert sports) and it came back within minutes
My doctors says rest it more, medicate, and ice as needed
Help, I want to play my sport again

Most of these people have tried the “traditional method” with little results. Groin pain doesn’t have to be the end of your sporting career.

In my clinic, I’ve had amazing success resolving groin pain in athletes ranging from high school soccer to adult recreational ultimate frisbee players.

Since so many people seem to be plagued with chronic groin pain, I felt the need to expose the foundations of our rehab to the public.

Why is this course such a good deal?

Because you won’t be under my medical care in this course. I don’t want to be misleading in any way, so let me be clear. I won’t be responding directly to any emails or calls.


The fact that I’m not responding is what keeps the price affordable. I couldn’t possibility work at my clinic with patients all day and answer every email. Having my direct attention via emails would jump the price of the course and that wouldn’t help anyone right?

This is a video course with an affiliated manual that outlines everything in a step-by-step manor and contains every piece of information I know about sports hernias… LITERALLY EVERYTHING. It’s a killer deal. You’ll love it, I know you will!

Unsure of what to expect and hesitant to buy?

Yes, I get it... most people don't know what to expect, mainly because they've never seen these methods before. Without going into a long-winded explanation, just buy a course. It's all in there. If you think it's terrible then just return it for a 100% money back guarantee.

Dr. Sebastian Gonzales DC, DACBSP®, CSCS
- Clinical Director, Performance Place Sports Care®
- Host, "Restoring Human Movement" Podcast
- Contributing Writer for

Secrets of Successful Sports Hernia Rehab
  • Intro to Rehab - Abdominal Injuries (Obliques and Sports Hernias)

  • Alligator Breathing - Abdominal Injury

    Breathing assists in building yet another supportive system for the abdominal region. Breathing "low" into the hips helps with building pressure behind the abdominal wall, essentially unloading the abdominal wall (obliques, transverse, fascia, etc) allowing Mother Nature to do her job.

  • Frog Breathing - Abdominal Injury

    Breathing assists in building yet another supportive system for the abdominal region. Breathing "low" into the hips helps with building pressure behind the abdominal wall, essentially unloading the abdominal wall (obliques, transverse, fascia, etc) allowing Mother Nature to do her job.

  • Sensitivity Resets

    Sensitivity Resets are ways to feel normal within just a few minutes. Finding this reset allows people to take more movement risks because they know they can feel better in just a few minutes if their experiment goes poorly. Find your rest.

  • Happy Baby Progressions - Abdominal Injury

  • Wall Wedges - Abdominal Injury

  • Birddog Progressions - Abdominal Injury

  • Rotational Squat - Abdominal Injury

    The rotational squat trains the hip ball and socket joint to move a rebuilt torso region to restore human movement. Rebuilding athleticism after an injury requires restoration of tri-planar motion in ball and socket joints, like the hip and shoulder.

  • Hip Hinging - Abdominal Injury

    The rotational squat trains the hip ball and socket joint to move a rebuilt torso region to restore human movement. Rebuilding athleticism after an injury requires restoration of tri-planar motion in ball and socket joints, like the hip and shoulder.

  • Lateral Squat - Abdominal Injury

    The rotational squat trains the hip ball and socket joint to move a rebuilt torso region to restore human movement. Rebuilding athleticism after an injury requires restoration of tri-planar motion in ball and socket joints, like the hip and shoulder.

  • Serve the Dish - Abdominal Injury

    The rotational squat trains the hip ball and socket joint to move a rebuilt torso region to restore human movement. Rebuilding athleticism after an injury requires restoration of tri-planar motion in ball and socket joints, like the hip and shoulder.

    This exercise begins this ball socket proce...

  • Crossover Wedge - Abdominal Injury

    The rotational squat trains the hip ball and socket joint to move a rebuilt torso region to restore human movement. Rebuilding athleticism after an injury requires restoration of tri-planar motion in ball and socket joints, like the hip and shoulder.

    This exercise begins this ball socket proce...

  • Sports_Hernia_eBook _Mac Friendly.pdf

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